Avis important pour les visiteurs du site internet www.siegco.be situés hors de France

Les pages suivantes contiennent des informations et documents relatifs à l’offre publique d’acquisition simplifiée initiée par SiegCo et portant sur les actions de la société Valtech (l’« Offre »). Cette Offre est faite aux actionnaires de Valtech situés en France et à l’étranger, dans la mesure où les lois locales en vigueur (i) ne leur empêchent pas ou ne leur interdisent pas de participer à l’Offre et/ou (ii) n’exigent pas que SiegCo procède à des formalités locales relatives à l’Offre. L’Offre décrite aux présentes n’a pas été et ne sera pas enregistrée auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission américaine et ne sera pas ouverte aux actionnaires aux Etats-Unis.

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Important notice for visitors of the www.siegco.be website located outside France

The following pages include information and documents pertaining to the simplified tender offer initiated by SiegCo with respect to the Valtech shares (the “Offer”). The Offer is made to Valtech shareholders located in France and abroad, to the extent that applicable local laws do not (i) prevent or prohibit them from participating in the Offer and / or (ii) require SiegCo to execute any local formalities in respect of the Offer. The offer described herein has not and will not be registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and will not be opened to holders in the United States.

You may only access this website if:

• You have verified that no law or regulation applicable in your country (i) prohibits or restricts your access to such information and documents or eligibility to participate in the Offer and /or (ii) would require SiegCo to execute any local formalities in respect of such access and/or the Offer.

• You are not physically present or residing in the United States of America, Canada, Japan, or in any jurisdiction where it would be unlawful to make available such information or documents, and you agree not to forward the information and documents contained herein to any person or address in any of these countries.

• You understand that SiegCo shall under no circumstance be responsible for any violation of applicable laws or regulations resulting from any access to this website or any use of the information and documents contained herein that is made in violation of the above.

By clicking on “YES” below you confirm that you have understood the above and expressly agree to comply. Click “NO” if you do not understand or agree.

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